Soar Or Stumble? You Get To Choose

Soar Or Stumble? You Get To Choose

You have an opportunity to take part in a once-in-a-lifetime migration. Will you soar or stumble? Working remotely is not as simple as a change of scenery; it’s a change…

Big Little Lies

I’m feeling uncomfortable. My heart is thumping as I type these words. I’m scared I’ll upset you and be ostracized before I’ve made my case. I’ll forge ahead. I’m choosing…

Are You Ok With Your Fear?

Five years ago I chose to end my contract of marriage. I did so after a thorough and considered exploration of who I am and what I wanted in life.…

Remove The Friction Of Assumption

How to remove the friction of assumption What’s the value of assuming all of your perceptions are wrong? – Just for a day. It keeps you sharp. It stokes curiosity…

What Matters Most To You?

I’m writing this from outback NSW, a place called Louth, 125km south west of Bourke. My 2020 vision board back in Sydney features pictures of Greece, India and Western Australia.…

Do You Understand The Way You Operate?

Stress is not a fact of life. Nor does it need to be overcome, combated or accepted. Stress is a biological response that’s triggered when we perceive changing external environments…

Feelings Aren’t Facts

What can The Universal Guide to being Human tell us about Feelings? (If you didn’t read the first chapter about the universal guide to being human, start there.) Feelings aren’t…

Who’s Leading Who?

Like many of you, I’m trying to get my social ‘fix’ online. So last week I paid a visit to Twitter. I rocked up, scanned the virtual room, spotted someone…